MLR2069: Pre-Practicum: Clinical Training Preparation

Credits 0.5

The course provides an opportunity to begin setting up your clinical practicum training that will begin during the following year. The course includes instruction on MACP Clinical Training Handbook and MACP program policies regarding practicum, pre-practicum paperwork and non- coursework requirements prior to beginning practicum, accessing and understanding the practicum experience requirements, information about postgraduate intern registration and the education, training and licensure requirements, preparing resumes and writing cover letters, searching for potential practicum training sites, making initial contacts, and preparing for practicum interviews. California students will learn California Board of Behavioral Sciences requirements for practicum, internship, and licensure. Low-residency students will research their jurisdictions specific requirements including pre-degree experience, post-degree experience, and licensure or equivalent qualification to practice independently of supervision. Closed course. This class is open to MACP students only.