Grading System

As with all Sofia's courses, distance education courses, will be similarly graded and feedback will be provided in a timely manner. Sofia Faculty are expected to respond to student emails and discussion board responses within 48 hours. They are expected to evaluate lessons and papers within 4 business days. Projects will be evaluated within one week. Feedback on dissertation drafts will be provided within 2 weeks after receipt. 

The grading system that appears in the chart below governs grading symbols and computations for all undergraduate and graduate students at the University. All letter grades carry quality points and are computed in a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA).

Grade Code

Quality (Grade) Points



























Pass/No Pass: Most Sofia University graduate programs use the Pass/No Pass grading system. A GPA is not available for students enrolled in a program with this grading system. The following grade codes may appear on the transcript:

Grade Code

Explanation of Pass/No Pass Grading


Pass (all work completed at the equivalent of a “B” or better as is traditionally associated with graduate study)


No Pass (work unsatisfactory, “B” or below)


Work in progress (current quarter or classes spanning more than one quarter)






Incomplete with extension


Replaces the original grade for a course later retaken


Withdraw (left class after drop period with instructor permission)


No grade received from Instructor

A grade of “I” changes to “NP” one quarter after the end of the class unless the course instructor grants an extension.

Grade Change:

A Grade Change Form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar with approvals by the instructor of record and the Program Chair within 60 days of the posting of the original grade to the student’s academic record. Grade changes will be processed due to clerical error, faculty miscalculation of grades, or completion of course requirements for Work in Progress (WIP) or Incomplete (I) grades. Incomplete grades will automatically change to the failing or “no pass” (NP) grade by the last day of the subsequent term if assignments have not been completed and submitted. Students cannot graduate with a “WIP” or “I” grade. (See Incomplete Request below.) Grades cannot be changed to a Withdrawal (W).

Incomplete Request:

A professor may assign the grade of Incomplete if a student, through circumstances beyond their control, has not completed a small portion of a course by the conclusion of the term. A student may request an Incomplete grade if at a minimum 80% of assignments of a course are completed and in good standing. A request for an Incomplete is initiated by the student, in conversation with the professor, on or before the last class meeting of the quarter. The professor will determine whether or not to approve the request, which will only be considered in extenuating circumstances (e.g., serious family, health, or similar unanticipated emergency). Faculty may require students to provide documentation of the extenuating circumstances. If the professor determines that the criteria have been satisfied, a Request for Incomplete Contract (RIC) will be filled out and signed by both the professor and the student. The professor will then notify the student’s advisor and Program Chair. The professor will submit the RIC to the Office of the Registrar, copying the student on the email, before the final grade due date.

As per the terms of the RIC, all coursework remaining for the Incomplete course must be submitted on or before the end of Week 5 of the following quarter. There is no guarantee that the submitted work will receive a passing grade and the student is responsible for completing and turning in the work as outlined in the contract. After the assignment(s) is submitted and graded, the professor will submit a Grade Change Form to the Registrar on or before the end of the quarter, no later than the final grade due date for that quarter. If the student misses the submission deadline, the professor may submit a grade of No Pass (F) to the Registrar. If the professor takes no additional action, the grade will automatically be entered as No Pass (F) at the end of the quarter. No credit will be awarded until the course is completed and a grade is submitted to the Registrar by the professor. When a final grade is recorded, the student’s transcript will be updated and reflect the final grade for the course.

Transcript Request:

Sofia University official transcripts are ordered online via the National Student Clearinghouse ( The transcript fee is $5 (plus a processing fee). Unofficial transcripts are available on the student portal on the main Sofia University website.

Independent Study (IS):

A flexible, self-directed way for students to add richness to their study at Sofia University; as students develop their plan of study, they should consult with a faculty member who can assist with suggested readings, activities, and integrative practices. The instructor is required to use the IS template in the Canvas Learning Management System to provide feedback to the student, record regular student interaction, and use the Gradebook function. The IS delivery modality is determined based on the needs of the student and availability of the instructor.

Independent Study Guidelines:

A student interested in enrollment in an Independent Study (IS) creates an IS plan of study (“the plan”) and may propose receiving 1-4 units for the IS. Contact hours may include time spent reading, working on class activities, writing a paper, meeting with the professor, etc. The plan should specify how contact hours will be accumulated. The details should be incorporated into the course timeline. Once approved and the quarter begins, the student is expected to upload assignments using the IS course assigned in Canvas.

The IS plan should be developed around a special interest not typically covered in existing Sofia University program courses, though it should fit within the overall Program Learning Outcomes of the curriculum. The IS plan may be focused on any combination of spiritual practices, creative expression, classroom activities, reading, private meditations, and writing which best help the student to integrate and grow knowledge around the special interest topic. Plans should be completed within the framework of a ten-week quarter.

The IS plan should include weekly contact with the instructor. Instructors and students must use the assigned Canvas course for assignment submissions, gradebook updates and attendance-taking, postings to the Discussion Board, and any other elements of the course the Program Chair deems necessary for transparent interaction and accomplishment of the IS’s learning goals.

Independent Study Forms:

In order for students to receive credit for the learning experience, all IS requests must be made during the enrollment period prior to or the add/drop period during the quarter. Blank forms can be obtained from ( the Office of the Registrar.

  • The form requires approval by the proposed IS instructor and the Program Chair before the student can register and begin any course work or training.
  • A course timeline must also be submitted must be submitted with the form.
  • The IS learning experience must be completed in the quarter specified on the form. Upon completion of the IS, the instructor assigns a final grade. Assignment of an Incomplete grade (“I”) is not allowed for IS; all work must be concluded within the quarter.

Work Integrated Learning (WIL):

The WIL Program includes a completely redesigned internship interactive online course which incorporates an experiential learning-based integration with the Master’s in Business Administration and Master’s in Computer Science degree program curriculums. Sofia University faculty provide mentorship throughout the program, student receive peer interaction, and internship feedback and communication from an industry supervisor.

The goal of the WIL program is to bring the campus to industry and the industry to campus through a fluid experience-based learning model that encourages student innovation and success in both settings to foster a business and technology based, career-oriented environment. Overall, the WIL based program prepares students for the challenges of the business environment in a competitive global environment and gives them the tools to present themselves as professionals and ambassadors of their corporate culture.