Institutional Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of a degree program at Sofia University, students will be able to:

I: Transformation (person-centered)
  • Outcome I-A: Describe and reflect upon their personal transformation in the context of a curriculum focused on whole-person development and ethical reasoning
  • Outcome I-B: Apply transpersonal principles to their life and work, individually and in community
II: Integration (learning-centered)
  • Outcome II-A: Incorporate multiple domains of knowing, learning, and being throughout their lives
  • Outcome II-B: Communicate authentically and effectively in adherence to conventions for scholarly research, audience engagement, achievement of goals, and personal reflection
III: Application (praxis-centered)
  • Outcome III-A: Contribute ethically and with insight to the flourishing of society and the natural environment
  • Outcome III-B: Employ rigorous and innovative modes of inquiry to design and implement transformative solutions to professional and societal challenges

For job classifications for degree programs, please reference our website and career paths at Sofia University and the United States Department of Labor's Standard Occupational Classification codes for employment options related to degree programs.