Collegiate Behavior

All those who inhabit or visit Sofia University are to be treated with courtesy, dignity, consideration, and welcome. Disagreement in this context is to be expected and is part of our development. Abuse, whether verbal or physical, is not acceptable. All students in a class have an equal right to participate whether they are in the cohort or began the program at the same time as others in the class. Although the cohort experience is valuable educationally and personally for students, there are many circumstances when programs that are structured with cohorts may choose to open a class to other students. Among the factors are the University’s desire to address the needs of returning students (who “stepped out” of their cohort and must now “catch up”), efficiency in course scheduling, unique opportunities to appoint a particular faculty member to teach, and others. It is the University’s expectation and hope that, over time, cohort identity will include the entire University membership (including faculty and staff) and an even larger global community. Cohorts, when part of a degree program, facilitate cooperation and are not a justification for in-group exclusion.

Every instructor is entitled to courtesy and a genuine effort on the part of the students to make their contribution as faculty a success for all involved. At the close of each course (and usually in the middle) there is an opportunity to make judgments in confidence on effectiveness and needed improvements. There is a shared responsibility to create the best possible atmosphere for all participants, even if challenged. Completion of faculty evaluations should be handled respectfully.