This final course in the 4-course sequence is a culmination and application of everything learned in the first three courses. It engages students in working together to conduct an original research project. Over the ten weeks, you and your cohort will be actively involved in every phase of the research project, including creating the research topic, addressing ethical issues, collecting data, analyzing data, and summarizing the findings. Statistical and qualitative data analysis programs will be utilized in the data analysis. The focus of this course is on developing the skills and competencies to conduct original research in the psychedelic sciences. The topic of the research study will be designed in collaboration with student input during the second course of this course sequence.
GPHD8715 - Fundamentals of Psychedelic Science
GPHD8716 - Psychedelic Research Methods and Ethics
GPHD8717 - Psychedelics, Mysticism, and Spirituality