GPHD8716: Psychedelic Research Methods and Ethics

Credits 3

​This second course in the four-course sequence explores the various methodological approaches used to research the use and outcomes of psychedelics. You and your cohort will continue to work together to explore issues of cultural appropriation and the role of worldviews in research. The various methods for conducting research will be explored in relation to both individual and group experiences. Special attention will be given to the challenges and ethical issues related to recruiting participants, measuring altered states, validity and reliability concerns and alternatives to control groups. Screening and harm reduction will be addressed along with discussions related to cultural, spiritual and ecological concerns. Students will collaborate as a research team to identify a topic of focus for the final practicum course in the sequence. Following completion of this course, students will enroll in Psychedelics Mysticism, and Spirituality.


GPHD8715 - Fundamentals of Psychedelic Science