Transpersonal Psychology (Master's) in Korean
Degrees and Certificates
Master of Transpersonal Psychology in Korean, Master of Arts
MTPK7018: Positive Psychology 긍정심리학
Credits 3Leadership skills are essential to management. True leaders use their position, relationship, and productivity to invest in people around them and develop them until they become leaders in their own right. True leaders impower others and transcend their position, organization and sometimes their industry. Growing as a leader requires a combination of intentional growth and leadership experience. The ten-week course targets the five pillars of wellbeing and how Positive Psychology can be used at work and in life to help us become a stronger and happier person, which in turn builds up the foundations for a stronger leader. Students will engage with some of the most practical lessons to discover how to increase positive emotions, build healthy relationships, raise a sense of achievement and satisfactions at work, which leads to the sense of meaning in life.
MTPK7201: Special Topics Seminar 특별 주제 세미나
Credits 1Explore transpersonal approaches to personal and professional growth in a group setting. Meet transpersonal psychology faculty, classmates, and staff in person. Share personal stories and unique perspectives to begin to build and foster relationships within learning communities. Experience transpersonal speakers, workshops, and activities and see what makes Sofia a unique place where the epistemologies of our hearts and intellect are embraced, embodied, and held with equal importance.
MTPK7201: Second Special Topics Seminar 2 차 특별 주제 세미나
Credits 1Explore transpersonal approaches to personal and professional growth in a group setting. Meet transpersonal psychology faculty, classmates, and staff in person. Share personal stories and unique perspectives to begin to build and foster relationships within learning communities. Experience transpersonal speakers, workshops, and activities and see what makes Sofia a unique place where the epistemologies of our hearts and intellect are embraced, embodied, and held with equal importance.
MTPK7202: Introduction to Academic Writing
Credits 1This course explores academic writing APA Style to learn this standard method of communication utilizing a common format for presenting information and a method of highlighting works cited in academic papers to give appropriate credit to the author(s) of that work and to avoid the risk of accidental plagiarism.
MTPK7207: Academic Writing in Psychology 심리학 분야에서의 학술적 글쓰기
Credits 3Learn basic academic psychology writing skills and processes. Learn how to write within the academic scope of psychology: qualitative research articles, quantitative research articles, research hypotheses, thesis statements, literature reviews, critical writing, academic reflection, and critique of diverse materials.
MTPK7301: Humanistic Psychology: Theory and Practice 인본주의 심리학: 이론과 실제
Credits 3Introduction to the theory, practice and research of humanistic psychology. Providing a window into seeing a person as a whole. Serving as a foundation to transpersonal psychology.
MTPK7401: Embodied Spirituality 체화된 영성
Credits 3This experiential course grounds students in the theories, principles, and practices of embodied spirituality. It focuses on integrating and awakening self within the context of living co-creatively with all of life and seeing it as sacred. Students will explore what it means to embody their spirituality through reading, reflections, discussions, and personal experiences.
MTPK7403: Introduction to Transpersonal Studies 자아초월 연구 입문
Credits 3This course introduces theories and concepts of transpersonal studies. Students will learn about the origins of transpersonal studies the contributors to the field, the research that is being conducted, and the applications of transpersonal studies to personal growth, counseling, education, society, and human welfare. Students will also learn the conventions of APA style formatting.
MTPK7603: Theories of Personality: Cross-cultural Perspectives 성격 이론: 다문화적 관점
Credits 3Learn personality theory, psychological inquiry, and psychological concepts by exploring Eastern, Indigenous, ecological, and Western perspectives on being human. Integrate cross-cultural personality theories, transpersonal practices, and personal experiences as a way of identifying own beliefs about being a healthy human.
MTPK7801: Spiritual Development Across the Lifespan 전 생애 영성 개발
Credits 3This course aims to welcome your awareness for psycho-spiritual approaches to life development. Learn how psychospiritual evolution informs all aspects and stages of personal and professional lives throughout our lifespan. Explore universal themes that can transcend established spiritual traditions and apply them personally and professionally.
MTPK8201: Archetypes, Myths, and Symbols 원형, 신화 그리고 상징
Credits 3This course explores archetypes, myths, and symbols as living energies that transcend time and culture. Students will reflect both personally and conceptually on themes from several different cultures, and express their insights in writing and symbolic art.
MTPK8202: Dreams, Dreaming and Dreamwork 꿈과 꿈작업
Credits 3This practicum course offers various methods of dreamwork and creative dream expression for both individual and group work. Lectures and discussions will lead to experiential group and individual activities. Over the term we will cultivate a respectful, ethical space for creative dream exploration, and you will gain valuable new tools for dreamwork.
MTPK8300: Creative Expression and Transformation 창조적 표현과 변형
Credits 3This experiential course explores the relationship between creative process, psycho-spiritual awareness, and wholeness both in self and in community. Students will participate in creative explorations using art, music, movement, writing, and Earth’s inspiration around a variety of themes that students may also wish to apply or explore with others. Students will read material related to creativity, creative process, and healing through the arts and choose one professional application project designed to integrate creativity more fully into their work life.
MTPK8387: Ways of Knowing 앎의 방식
Credits 3This course explores creative, transpersonal, and collective ways of knowing. Students in this course will be able to engage more flexibly with their professional life and lead others as they develop self-awareness and professionally apply skills, methods and processes in a fully embodied, multimodal fashion. They will broaden their ability to access information, express themselves, and to work with others.
MTPK8399: Intuitive Inquiry 직관 탐색
Credits 3Intuitive inquiry is a hermeneutical research method that joins intuition to intellectual precision. Students explore topics that claim their enthusiasm and invite the inquiry to transform both their understanding of the topic and their lives. As a method, intuitive inquiry seeks to both describe what is and envision new possibilities for the future through an in-depth, reflection process of interpretation.
MTPK9041: Transpersonal Integration Paper 자아초월 통합 논문
Credits 3This 20–25-page capstone project requires students to use reflective scholarship to integrate their transpersonal studies into their own lives. Students bridge transpersonal psychology with professional aspirations and consider how their transpersonal education can contribute to a more fulfilled life for themselves and the communities they serve.