MLR2075: Practicum 4: Evidence Based-Case Formulation, Treatment Planning and Applications

Credits 4.5

MLR2075: Practicum 4: Evidence-Based Case Formulation, Treatment Planning and Applications
This course will focus on theory, diagnostic skills and testing needs, prognosis, and processes of current evidence-based schools of therapy. Case formulation, management, and professional writing (including documentation and progress notes) will be taught, and interventions will be outlined. This course will also focus on practicum applications of evidence-based theory. The class will focus on the clients the students are currently seeing at their practicum sites. Principles of recovery-oriented care and collaborative treatment will be incorporated. This work will include the treatment of individuals, couples, family, and child relationships. It will address trauma and abuse, dysfunctions, healthy functioning, health promotion, illness prevention, and working with families and groups. Students will learn case presentation and peer supervision.