MTPC8299: Certificate Integration/Artistic Presentation 证书整合顶点课程

To conclude the Dream Studies certificate, students will write an integration paper and give an artistic presentation in this course. One Zoom session will be scheduled at the beginning of the course where students will have the opportunity to share their insights and experiences in the Dream Studies Certificate program and discuss their ideas for artistic presentations. Students will work on their integration papers and artistic presentations independently during the term. At the end of the term the final Zoom gathering will include all DSC students sharing their artistic presentations. The integration papers and artistic presentations will uniquely express what the students have learned about studying dreams throughout this certificate program at Sofia.  


为了总结梦境研究证书项目的学习之旅,在这门课程中,学生将撰写一篇整合论文并进行艺术展示。 在课程开始时,将会安排一次 Zoom在线会议,学生将有机会在会议中,分享他们在梦境研究证书项目学习过程中收获的见解和体验,并讨论他们对艺术展示的想法。 学生将在本学期,独立完成他们的整合论文和艺术展示。 在学期结束时,还会有一次总结性的Zoom在线会议,所有梦境研究证书项目(DSC)的学生将会聚在一起分享他们的艺术展示。 整合论文和艺术展示将独特地展现出学生在索菲亚梦境研究证书项目中对研究梦的认识和收获。