Explore transpersonal approaches to personal and professional growth in a group setting. Meet transpersonal psychology faculty, classmates, and staff in person. Share personal stories and unique perspectives to begin to build and foster relationships within learning communities. Experience transpersonal speakers, workshops, and activities and see what makes Sofia a unique place where the epistemologies of our hearts and intellect are embraced, embodied, and held with equal importance. 主题研讨会为提供了多种跨个人的学习方法,以便学生在小组环境中、个人和职业发展中应用。研讨会还为学生提供了与学院教员互动的机会。学生将在研讨会上认识不同超个人心理学的讲者、老师、同学、及成员。每学期都会有主题研讨会,每期将开设不同的专题和超个人互模式或活动。同学门可以从每个研讨会中体验学校心与知识身心结合的特色.
MTPC7201: Special Topic Seminar 主题研讨会
Class Program